Janet Phillips
Hello good people of the eastern shore of Maryland and around the world. I spent the first half of my life living the status quo, and now I'm going to spend the rest of my life cleaning up the mess I've made having lived unconsciously and sharing what I have learned with the community.
I feel that by acting locally we can be an example to others of how to solve problems globally.
I took My first wild edible plant walk in 2001 at Tom Brown's Tracking Nature and Wilderness Survival School. When I first learned about the wild edible plants, I took plant walks and herb classes to learn as much as I could about this amazing source of untapped potential. I let my back yard grow wild, and in just a couple of years, I had over one hundred edible and medicinal plants in my little backyard!
I then learned about a raw vegan diet and the amazing benefits this way of living can have on our personal and environmental health, so I became a raw food chef. I knew that the marriage of these two fields of knowledge can be a cornerstone of planetary healing.
So, I bought this property we are now living on and started giving plant walks for the local community.
I can state with absolute certainty, that if we all simply changed our eating habits to a vegan, organic, local, mostly raw, lifestyle, (including the wild greens of course!) the majority of the world's problems would simply melt away.
I also believe that as we change our eating habits, our desire to reconnect with our natural surroundings will emerge and our desire to heal ourselves, and our planet, will be our focus in moving forward to recreate a garden planet, where all life is sacred.
The # 1 law of nature is Conservation of Energy. Living a life aligned to the principles of Nature can be a beautiful, joyous, bountiful existence.
We invite you to learn more about a worldwide movement where communities of people are creating their own Kins Domains on one hectare of land...
Find out more at: www. vmegre.com/en
My Nature Learning Center is a place where we can find solutions to local issues.
We welcome ideas from our community and around the world.
Our Team

Jeff Phillips
Hello everyone. I have been on a journey with my wife to seek solutions to our local problems. Our quest has taken us to some interesting places. The Pine Barrens of New Jersey, to learn about wild edible and medicinal plants, along with a healthy dose of nature skills. Our quest led us to Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, when we learned about the health and environmental benefits of a raw vegan diet. We saw first hand the healing power of this lifestyle, and were convinced that if this information was available to the masses we would see positive changes in personal and environmental health.
We became aware of a worldwide movement, creating family living domains on one hectare of land. This idea to recreate a garden planet was set forth by Anastasia, who lives in the Taiga of Russia. We were so impressed with her ideas and philosophy, that we once again knew that if this information was available to all, all would benefit.
We recently met the author, Vladimir Megre, and he invited us to Russia to see these kins domains first hand! We knew it was time to bring these ideas home and create our own Kins Domain as an example to others.
So, we are taking two and a half acres of this beautiful Eastern Shore and starting the process of creating a healthy environment that will nurture us and generations to come. We invite you to learn more at... www.vmegre.com/en

Shirley Phillips
Spiritual Advisor
Shirley has been a model of inspiration for us. She has always been inquisitive and curious about new ways of looking at the world. In recent years she was asked what she most wanted in life, and her reply was loud and clear. She stated, "I just want to do what's right." With that as our backbone, we move forward, and invite you to join us.